Power of the Right Culture

You already have a Culture, a social system of shared values, philosophies, narratives, and practices in your enterprise — is it by drift or appropriate for your vision and mission?

In the most recent shareholder meeting for Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet claimed that 99.9% of the value in the company was the culture. This could sound like big news, but we’ve known this for years. Any company that is going to radically increase its value must produce a sustainable, competitive, and effective culture.


A culture is a social system of shared values, philosophies, narratives, and practices that exist and operate in the enterprise. It is the way we maintain and continuously improve on the habits, traditions, and practices of an enterprise.

We hear words all the time like Trust, Team, Competitive Advantage and Value. Rarely, if ever have we encountered anyone who has a working understanding and distinction for these foundational business concerns. Do you know what Trust is and how you produce it on the way to having a competitive Team?